My son and I are leaving our small town in southeastern United States to live for a year in a small town in southeastern France. It couldn't possibly be THAT different, right?

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Terra potier

After a pretty lazy morning , Jed and I walked into town to visit the pottery market again this afternoon.
We had seen some pretty vases that we wanted to buy for his teachers as end-of-the-year gifts and since they were still there, we went ahead and got them.  We then bought an ice cream cone, and I basked in the sun while Jed rode around on a rented kart.

Jed's flower vases on our balcony

I had to stop him at five gifts.  He wanted to buy something for everyone, and he has a very definite opinion about which teacher will receive which vase.  He sees Françoise with the green one, for example, and his classroom teacher seems more like an orange-vase person.  OK then!

It rained all night leaving huge puddles all over the park.  That made karting all the more fun today.  

Maybe 15 minutes after we got home, Nate called to say that he, Carrie, and Mary were in Montélimar so we put our shoes back on and headed back to the pottery market for the third time this weekend.

Jed and I ran into Carrie and Mary by chance at one of the farms yesterday.  It was fun to see them out in the middle of nowhere.  Carrie and I have a similar idea of what makes for a fun afternoon. 

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