Here's a photo I stole from Dom's Facebook page. Olivier challenged me to eat this "stinky" Camembert, and I did. It wasn't bad at all.
January 1st: Bénédicte invited us to lunch at her friend, Tristan's house near Dieulefit today. Since we got in around 3:30 a.m., we were not extremely enthusiastic about waking up this morning, but after a little caffeine, we were ready to go. What a beautiful day it turned out to be too! It was sunny and warm enough for the children to leave their coats inside while they played by the river. Bénédicte and Tristan served us foie gras, castrated rooster (I know that there MUST be a fancier name for this, but the explanation is what I retained.), potatoes, cheese, wine and coffee. It was all delicious, of course! We spent the entire day getting to know Tristan who is a documentary film-maker, acupuncturist, and homeless shelter worker.
The river running in front of Tristan's house
A vacation property owned by Tristan's landlord on the same property as his house. It rents for about 500 euros a week.
The view from the side yard chez Tristan.
Me and Kylian and Mattéo
Jed and the boys
I just found your blog, Margaret....after signing up for it last fall. I think you must be having a great time despite having to teach school! : ) Beautiful photos. I will be looking at more entries now that I have found it. That castrated rooster is a 'capon,' by the way.