Mary and Jed with a life-like statue.
After a sleepover that did not involve much actual sleeping for any of us, I took Jed and Nate along with our neighbors, Kylian and Matéo to a comic book and youth literature festival in a nearby village. There were some pretty famous people there, but we didn't know any of them so we just browsed, played games in the tent outside, ate crêpes, and watched the magic show. I bought one book, Burkina, rose du désert because it was written by the sister of one of my colleagues and because I think that I might be able to use it with my AP students next year. I also won a card game and a Danielle Steele novel translated into French. (It looks like I have some trashy romance ahead of me this year after all!) Carrie and Mary met us there so I had a nice visit with them, and I also saw five or six of my colleagues with their families. I don't know how much longer these beautiful fall days will last, but we sure are enjoying them!
Jed and Nathan playing a giant Connect Four
Matéo and Kylian playing Quarto
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