Secondly, it was a fairly democratic gathering. The principal had made some final decisions, but the teachers felt free to openly challenge those, and he opened the floor for discussion on more than one occasion. It was all very informative but relaxed.
Finally, at 11:45, we stopped to have an apértif before going to lunch. We toasted the new year with wine and ate delicious mini-quiches prepared by the school's chef.
After lunch we briefly met with our departments and then headed home for one last free weekend. I really like the three teachers in the English department (Caroline, Françoise, and Anne) and think that we are going to work well together.
Jed spent the day with Françoise's 18-year-old daughter and seemed to have a great time. She watched Avartar videos with him and took him to the park to play soccer.
The entrance to the school. These gates will be closed and locked during the day.
The entrance to the building.
The courtyard where the children line up to enter the building and go to play during recess. Note the beautiful mountains in the background. My drive to work is breathtaking! I am surrounded on all four sides by mountains.
Just to clarify, we have democratic meetings at SDS also, but the opening meeting is not the time to question the work that was done over the summer by other people. Glad I got THAT cleared up! :)