My son and I are leaving our small town in southeastern United States to live for a year in a small town in southeastern France. It couldn't possibly be THAT different, right?

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Marché de Noël à Marsanne

The most famous marchés de Noël are in Alsace, notably in Strasbourg, but one can find them all over France in December.  Jed and I attended our first one today in the lovely village of Marsanne, which is not too far from where I work.  We did not get the full experience because I mistakenly thought that the market was all day today, and it opened at 5:00 p.m.  We arrived around 3:30 when the stands were still being set up near the city hall.  We still got a warm drink and bought some homemade cookies, and I tasted roasted chestnuts and escargot.  We went with our friends Dom, Néo, Eytan, and Olivier.  The Père Noël was scheduled to make a late-night visit, but we left around 5:00 because it was already getting pretty cold.

Part Deux
We returned to the market Sunday night to meet the Hurners and to see the Père Noël.

Lovely Mary and the music man.

The Pere Noël descends from a window high above the village on a cable.  

The Père Noël works the crowd.

The church in Marsanne---this photo and the next two were taken by Carrie.

Nate and Jed and the cute actor from the movie, Les Intouchables.

Beautiful photo of Santa's arrival!

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