My son and I are leaving our small town in southeastern United States to live for a year in a small town in southeastern France. It couldn't possibly be THAT different, right?

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cathelin retrospective

Today is Heritage Day in France---and in all of Europe, I think.  I'm not sure exactly what else happens on this holiday, but I do know that museums are free.  Jed and I stumbled upon this news quite by accident this afternoon.  I needed to get out of the apartment after cleaning all morning so we took a picnic to the park by the Contemporary Art Museum.  When Jed had to go to the bathroom, we went inside to look for one and saw that entrance to the Bernard Cathelin retrospective was free.  Jed was not exactly thrilled to interrupt playtime to look at art, but after we got inside, he didn't want to leave.  We spent at least an hour looking at Cathelin's paintings, lithographs, and tapestries and picking out our favorites.  When we left, Jed thanked me for taking him.  I sure do love this kid!


  1. Hi! Of course he wanted to stay! :) Tell him I am inspired by this artist now and am going to research and try to teach a lesson!!! Fabulous landscape and color. I do a lesson in 2nd grade that needs new life! We can share on my blog with Jed! (Oh you can look too) Miss you both


  2. Sam,
    Jed mentioned you several times during our visit. He talked nonstop so I can't remember exactly what he said. I think that maybe he said that you taught him how to do a particular painting technique or that you taught him how to do landscapes. Anyway, I was happy that we were visiting such a beautiful exhibit on your birthday and talking about you.
